5 Smart Ways To Save When Moving

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save when moving the smart way

Congratulations on your upcoming move! There are so many things to consider when you are moving, but one thing that almost everyone wants to consider is the financial aspect. How can you save as much money as possible while still having an easy and stress-free (as much as possible) move?

Let’s talk about that today! Here are 5 ways to save when moving:

Declutter And Sell

Did you know that you can make money when moving? Start by gathering some unneeded items that are still valuable enough to sell. Consider if these items are worth the time, cost and headache to move. If not, sell them and pocket the cash for moving expenses.

Some decisions are easier than others, like selling the television set that no one uses anymore. Then, there are more difficult judgment calls. You may love the piano you grew up learning to play on, but if you rarely spend time playing it, it may make sense to sell it to a home that can enjoy it.

Once you’ve made a mental note of all the items you’re not going to be packing, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to get rid of these pieces and make the most money on them possible.

How do you get rid of items? Here are a few ideas:

  • Sell online using apps like OfferUp, Mercari, Poshmark, etc.
  • Have a garage sale or estate sale
  • List items on a neighborhood Facebook site, Nextdoor, or another online yard sale page
  • Barter! Give your family and friends items in exchange for moving or cleaning help

ways to save when moving

Hire A Moving Company

Admit it: you are not a professional mover. While hiring a moving company does cost you more than moving yourself, sometimes it is worth it. No matter if it is because you just do not have the time, want to reduce your stress, or can’t move, a moving company can definitely be worth it!

For example, if you do not have the strength or skill to move, you have the potential to break items, which will end up costing you much more in the end. That being said – for some, it’s 10000% worth it to hire a great moving company. You just have to find the good ones!

There are many different moving companies that you can use but prices will vary substantially depending on which moving company that you use and how far that you are moving as well.

Some of the most popular cross country moviing companies include:

  • Allied
  • United Van Lines
  • Mayflower
  • Two Men & A Truck

These are all full service movers but if you are trying to save money you can also have a shipping container delivered to you, you fill it up, and then they pick it up and deliver to your new home. Using a company like Pods, u-Pack, etc. will allow you to save a lot of money when moving cross country while also giving you plenty of time to pack and unpack.

My family and I used Pods when moving cross country and although they were slightly more expensive than renting a U-Haul would have been it was a lot easier and I didn’t have to worry about driving a U-haul on a 24 hour road trip!

Recruit Friends and Family

Moving requires a lot of work and it really is hard to do it all on your own. No matter if it’s during the packing process or moving process, your friends and family can help you out when needed – just ask!

Ask your friends or family to help you pack, having a garage sale, clean, paint, or even babysitting/pet sitting. These are tasks that most people can do and if you are trying to save as much as possible while moving, recruiting family and friends is definitely a great option!

Find Free Packing Materials

Even better than buying new boxes is looking on sites like Craigslist, Offerup, Facebook, or Letgo for people trying to get rid of their old boxes for free. If you start looking on these sites early enough before your move date, you’ll have a lot of time to accumulate all the free boxes you need for your move. You can also double the containers that you already have at home: luggage, totes, bins, laundry hampers, and more.

Switch Utility Companies – And Shop Around

If you’re moving on a budget, figure out as many ways as possible to cut your monthly spending, even if it’s just temporarily. Moving to a new place is the perfect opportunity to seek out new cable or satellite providers that offer a 12-month special. Be suspicious of any deal that seems too good to be true, but seek out new cable or satellite providers that offer a 12-month special for movers like you. Just keep in mind that you will need to know how much the plan will cost after the special expires and what the terms of the contract are to compare offers against each other. In the period before you move, consider canceling TV or Internet services early. Surviving on your phone’s Wi-Fi (if possible) can help out your budget before you even begin to pack.


There are many ways to save money while moving – you just have to be smart about it! Do you have any additional tips to add? I would love to hear them! 

Hannah R

Hi, my name is Hannah and I'm the founder of Barefoot Budgeting. This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you! Whether it is making a budget, saving money using DIY projects, or even saving by helping you with my favorite recipes I will cover it all! If it helps you save money in your life I want to help!

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