7 Ways Give To Others On A Budget (Or When You’re Broke)

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Are you wondering about ways to contribute to those around you but don’t have the money? The gift of giving is something magical that can be done all year-round.
While many people focus on activities of giving only during the holiday season, the options are endless on ways that one can give to others every month of the entire year.

The beauty of giving to others is that it comes from the heart.  The thought and actions that are paid forward from your giving are the rewards reaped from your kindness of giving to others.   In many cases, the costs incurred for giving to others is low and doesn’t have to break the bank or cause financial stress on you.

Time is truly all you need to spread kindness throughout the world.

helping others when you're on a budget

It is absolutely 100% possible to contribute and volunteer in a  budget friendly way.  I’ve compiled a list of 7 ways to contribute year round, without breaking the bank.

1. Volunteer at the local food pantry

Food pantries are always in need of help one way or the other.  Volunteering to serve food is one way to spend your time, or offering to help package up food items for others is another great way. 

Most pantry’s have a plethora of volunteering avenues that they need help with year round so by offering your time to help, they will certainly appreciate you and your generosity!

2. Craft up items in need

Cold weather is upon us and there are those who need warm blankets, hats and mittens.  Do you love to sew?  Hit up the stores and look at their clearance yarn and fabrics that they have.  Many stores discount such items down to rock bottom prices if the color and patterns aren’t popular. 

Grab up those sale items and create some warmth for those in need.  Once completed, take them to shelters or leave them around town in areas where you know people need help.  

3. Clean out your closet

How many jackets do you really need?  Are there warm clothing items that you never wear or jackets that you have outgrown?  Go through everyone’s closet in your home and grab whatever items you aren’t using or haven’t used in a while. 

Extra blankets in storage?  Grab a few of those too.  Load ’em up to drop off.  During the colder months, jackets are in HUGE demand and any type of warmth is greatly needed!

4. Donate old books to your school or local library

Have a ton of kids books lying around?  Check with the local elementary schools or daycare centers and see if they could use them.  Many schools and centers are on tight budget and don’t have the money each year to purchase new items and books for their students.

By donating books, it helps to contribute to their reading growth and knowledge.  Same for your books, too!

Take ’em to the library and donate them!  The library will either use them for others to check out and read or turn around and sell them in a library book sale.  Either way, it is good for them as well to help grow their money supply and book supply!

5. Make brown bag lunches and hand out all over town

While there is some cost associated with this, it is minimal.  Make up lunch bags for others with non-perishable snacks and deliver then throughout town.  Include water if possible and get the family involved in working together to give the gift of food to those who are hungry.

6. Have a favorite charity in town?

See what upcoming events that they are hosting and offer to work for free.  While they may not need help working at the event, volunteer to offer in helping set up or break down and clean up after the event is done.

Helping hands gets things done so much more quickly!

7. Sign up to be a foster parent to some cute cuddly animals at your local animal shelter

There are two amazing aspects to being a foster animal parent.  First, you get to snuggle with animals…and second?  They supply and cover the costs of items needed for the pet you are fostering.

Final Thoughts

Giving to others doesn’t have to be a financial burden to you.  While there are a ton of organizations out there that would love monetary donations, there are just as many that would love the donation of your time and items as well to pass on to others.

With the new year upon us, now is a great time to start contributing more within your community.  Contributing shouldn’t put a financial burden on you if you take the time to find other ways to help.  Just  remember, any and all help is appreciated and is a HUGE help to those in need as well.

Teaching our children to help in the community can also be a rewarding experience.  Involving all is one of the best ways we can keep paying it forward for many lifetimes.

helping hand

Hannah R

Hi, my name is Hannah and I'm the founder of Barefoot Budgeting. This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you! Whether it is making a budget, saving money using DIY projects, or even saving by helping you with my favorite recipes I will cover it all! If it helps you save money in your life I want to help!

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