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1. Buy after the holidays
Once the holidays are over, hit those sale aisles! Look for items that may not be holiday related like candles, soaps, coffee mug sets..grabbing those items for 75% off or more and giving them as gifts at a later time is a fantastic way to ensure that your gift closet is stocked and ready at any given moment.
2. Add gifts you don’t want
Sounds harsh, but think of it as just finding a new home for the gifts that serve no purpose for you in your house. Just because you don’t have a need or a want for a gift, doesn’t mean that it won’t be the perfect gift for someone else.
Put it in the gift closet and pass it on when the time is right.
3. Use Reward Points
Does your credit or store rewards card offer rewards points, but only to certain stores? If you don’t see an item you need or want, and those rewards points are on the verge of expiring, use them by buying up some fun gifts…for free!
Spend those points, you earned them!
4. Frequent the thrift stores
Who says all gifts have to be brand new? If you see an awesome deal on something unique at the thrift store, chances are it’s at a huge discount rather than paying new.
I’ve spotted brand new items in thrift stores too. Keep your eye out.
5. Sign up for giveaways through various online sites
What’s the harm? Who knows what you might win! Depending on the gift, and how often you win, you may be able to get a nice little stockpile of some pretty cool items to add to your gift closet.
Did you know many bloggers offer give aways throughout the year and the chances are higher of you winning than in something like Publishers Clearing House or other National contests. Keep an eye on my pinterest boards for these, I save them there frequently.
6. Buy all year-long
Don’t limit yourself to stocking up your gift closet to only one time per year. To be efficient in saving money, one must be on the look-out for a great deal throughout each and every shopping trip. Making purchases throughout the year is what allows for the gift-closet to stay full of highly discounted and fun items.
7. Think small
Not all gifts have to be huge in size, right? What about stocking stuffers and fun little “just because” gifts throughout the year? Keep those fun samples of items that you get in the mail or along the way at certain stores.
A perfume sample? Sample bottle of lotion? Those are all great items to keep for later gifts as well!
8. Consider buying multi-packaged items and breaking them into multiple presents.
You get more bang for your buck, and no one knows the difference. If there is a coffee mug set on clearance, then split that gift up to be two separate gifts. Wrap them in separate boxes, and bam! You just got two gifts, for the price of one – plus, you made that purchase on clearance, saving you even more money!
Final Thoughts
If you notice that your gift closet is getting low, don’t stress. Take inventory on the typical items that you have, but are starting to run low on, and begin searching for those items. It may take time, but it is easy to get it built back up with little effort. Focus your energy on having fun looking for items to put in the closet, while saving a bunch of money doing it. Stock that gift closet to save time, and money, for you!
Earnings Tip: Many of these items you can find on clearance and thrift stores are hot seasonal sellers on ebay too!
Do you have a gift closet? Drawer?
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