Budget Bites – Baseball Treats

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Budget Bites – Baseball Treats can be a great way to have the most fun snacks, throw an awesome theme party or show your support to your favorite team!  Budgeting for sports can be expensive.  Being the party parent does not have to be.  Kids, afterall want to be kids and don’t really care if you spent hours preparing a gourmet roasted specialty for their palates or torching up a fancy schmancy desert.  Put some treats on those dollar store plates and platters and be the cool mom today.

Budget Binging Baseball Treats

These are seriously easy to make and you just may find you have all or most of what you need already in your pantry.  A little bit of kitchen shenanigans and you’re on your way to have a ball making these!  I expect many of you are baseball fans, have kids playing or are the person who brings goodies into the office, right? Sometimes the grownups have to have fun too, you know it!  Host a great cookout with these too.  After a friendly game of even wiffle ball (remember that!) in the backyard to burn some energy and have some good old fashioned fun outdoors.


budget bite baseball treats


  • Baseball CookiesReally, did someone say cookies ?  I bet these babies freeze well for make ahead!


budget baseball treats


  • Baseball Cupcakes.  I can taste these now, nothing like a good cupcake with just thE right amount of frosting!


baseball theme treats



baseball desert



baseball treats on a budget


Are those not the most fun?!!   With all the fuss about party themes these days I can absolutely see this as a theme that could go a long way celebrating a birthday for your kiddo’s or even a grownup, this would absolutely make an awesome baby shower theme too!  Yup, I know a few ball fanatics here in Boston.

I know I already said this but seriously how cute would these baseball treats be at a baby shower too!



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Matt R

Hi, my name is Matt and I'm the founder of Barefoot Budgeting. This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you budget and save money.

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