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When it rains, it pours! Sometimes, life circumstances make life finances a burden. Whether it is your car that needs to be repaired, an unexpected bill, or a new job you need to have clothes for, here are some tips for making money fast!
1. Sell Any Old Electronics
Did you know you can sell your old phones in kiosk machines at local retail stores? Scour your house for old phones, laptops, and other electronics you aren’t using. Sell them on sites like eBay, Craigslist, or in local kiosks.
2. Have an Online Garage Sale
You no longer have to gather up all your stuff and wait for people to drive down the road to have a garage sale anymore. Online garage sales sites are taking the social media platforms by storm. With thousands of members, you can sell old clothes, furniture, and just about anything you want fast on online garage sales.
Make sure you mark your items as “Fast Sale.”
3. Perform Simple Tasks For People
People are busy and life is fast paced. No one has time to do everything they need to do in one day which is where you can come into play. Join sites like Zaarly, Amazon Mechanical Turk, or Fiverr to perform simple tasks for people such as rating a website, writing, or running errands. Even skills like picmonkey, screencast, Facebook postings can be skills for making money. Check some of these sites out!
4. Recycle Scrap Metal
You can make top dollar recycling things. We all know how important recycling is for the environment, so if you need some extra cash, scour local parks, trash cans, or garage sales for metal items, aluminum cans, or other items you can recycle.
5. Sell Beautiful Photos For Cash
Photos on the internet don’t get there by chance! Shutterstock.com offers thousands of stock photos to people all over the world. If you need some extra cash, start looking through your pictures and pick out your best photographs to sell.
We also have an entire article dedicated to selling your photos online that you can read as well.
6. Look for Uncut Grass in your Neighborhood
You can make same day cash looking for a need you can meet. Don’t go to houses with freshly cut grass, look for houses in need of a mower, landscaper, or weed picker. Offer services for a fee up front.
Busy mom, dads, and business people will jump on the opportunity to have someone else help with the workload.
7. Sell in Bulk
People like to buy stuff in bulk even if it means they get items they don’t necessarily want. Instead of going through each shirt, a pair of pants, or bin of purses, sell your items in bulk. A bag of clothes for $5, a bin of shoes for $10, or 10 pairs of jeans for $10 will sell quicker than selling each item for $1. Cut your losses and sell in bulk.
Sometimes life throws a few curveballs your way. What ways have you made cash fast? Share your money story in the comments below!