25 Budget-Friendly & Simple Fall Baby Shower Favors

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Fall is in the air, and that means it’s time for cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice everything, and… baby showers! If you’re planning a fall baby shower and looking for some budget-friendly fall baby shower favors, you’re in the right place.

Let’s dive into these 25 adorable, seasonal, and totally affordable baby shower favors that will make your guests go “aww” and “yum” all at once!

Fall Baby Shower Favors: Mini Pumpkin candles

1. Mini Pumpkin Candles

Alright, let’s kick things off with these cute-as-a-button mini pumpkin candles. Imagine the glow of these tiny pumpkins lighting up your guests’ homes, making everything feel warm and inviting.

These little guys are not just adorable, but they also bring that quintessential fall vibe right into everyone’s living room. Plus, who doesn’t love a candle that smells like pumpkin pie?

They’re easy to find in bulk, or if you’re feeling crafty, you can make them yourself with a candle-making kit!

2. Cinnamon-Scented Sachets

Next up, we have cinnamon-scented sachets. These are perfect for slipping into drawers, closets, or even cars to keep that warm, spicy aroma of fall lingering around.

You can make these yourself with some fabric, cinnamon sticks, and a few other fall spices. They’re super easy to customize with cute patterns and colors that match your shower’s theme.

Plus, every time your guests get a whiff of that delicious cinnamon smell, they’ll think of your special day!

3. Apple Butter Jars

Homemade apple butter jars are the epitome of fall in a jar. These little jars of sweet, spiced goodness are perfect for spreading on toast, pancakes, or even just eating with a spoon (no judgment here).

You can whip up a big batch at home and divide it into small mason jars, adding a cute label and maybe a little piece of twine for that rustic touch. It’s a sweet treat that shows you put some love and effort into your favors.

4. Mini Pumpkin Pies

Who can resist a mini pumpkin pie? These single-serving delights are perfect for guests to take home and enjoy with a dollop of whipped cream.

You can bake them yourself if you’re a kitchen wizard, or order them from a local bakery. Pop them into cute little boxes, and you’ve got a favor that’s both delicious and adorable.

Just imagine the joy on your guests’ faces when they realize they get to take home their own personal pie!

5. Fall-Themed Soap

Handmade soaps with scents like pumpkin spice, apple cider, or maple are a hit! Not only do they smell amazing, but they also look super cute sitting in a soap dish.

You can find these soaps at local farmers’ markets, craft fairs, or online. If you’re up for a fun DIY project, you can even make them yourself with soap-making supplies.

Wrap them up in some pretty paper or a little burlap sack, and you’ve got a favor that’s both practical and pretty.

6. Spiced Hot Chocolate Mix

What’s better than a cozy cup of hot chocolate on a crisp fall day? How about a spiced hot chocolate mix that your guests can whip up at home?

Fill small jars or bags with a homemade mix of cocoa, sugar, and a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Add a little tag with instructions and maybe even a mini whisk or spoon.

It’s a deliciously thoughtful favor that will warm your guests from the inside out.

7. Caramel Apple Kits

Caramel apple kits are a fun and interactive favor that guests of all ages will enjoy. Include a fresh apple, a little container of caramel sauce, and some sprinkles or nuts for topping.

Package everything up in a cute bag or box, and you’ve got a treat that’s as fun to make as it is to eat. Plus, it’s a great way to celebrate one of fall’s most iconic flavors.

8. Maple Leaf Cookie Cutters

Get ready for some fall baking with maple leaf cookie cutters! These are perfect for making seasonal cookies, and you can even include a little recipe card with your favorite fall cookie recipe.

Pair the cutter with a small bag of cookie mix for an extra special touch. Your guests will love having a little piece of your shower to use in their own kitchens.

9. Pumpkin Spice Lip Balm

Keep those lips kissably soft with pumpkin spice lip balm. This favor is both practical and oh-so-fall.

You can find these lip balms ready-made or make them yourself with a few simple ingredients. Add a cute label and maybe a little thank you note, and you’ve got a favor that’s as sweet as it is useful.

10. Mini Mason Jar Candles

Mini mason jar candles are another cozy favorite. These little candles can be made in a variety of fall scents like vanilla, apple pie, or cinnamon.

They’re easy to make at home with a candle-making kit or can be bought in bulk and personalized with cute labels. Your guests will love lighting these up and thinking of your special day.

11. Fall-Scented Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitizers have become a must-have, so why not give them a fall twist? Look for sanitizers with seasonal scents and personalize them with cute labels.

It’s a practical favor that’s also a little reminder of your special day every time your guests use it.

12. Harvest Trail Mix

Harvest trail mix is a yummy and healthy treat that’s perfect for snacking. Make your own blend with nuts, dried fruits, and a few fall-themed candies like candy corn or pumpkin-shaped chocolates.

Package the mix in cute bags or jars, and you’ve got a delicious and thoughtful favor that your guests will love munching on.

13. Pumpkin Seed Packets

Give the gift of future pumpkins with pumpkin seed packets. These are great for guests who love to garden or just enjoy growing things.

Decorate the packets with cute labels and maybe a little planting guide. It’s a unique and eco-friendly favor that keeps on giving.

14. Fall-Themed Tea Bags

Tea bags with fall flavors like chai, apple spice, or pumpkin spice make for a cozy and comforting favor. Package individual tea bags in little boxes or bags with a sweet thank you note.

Your guests will love brewing up a warm cup of fall.

15. Cinnamon Stick Bundles

Cinnamon stick bundles are a simple yet charming favor. Tie a few cinnamon sticks together with some twine and add a little tag.

These can be used in cooking, as a natural air freshener, or even as a pretty fall decoration.

16. Mini Apple Cider Bottles

Mini bottles of apple cider are a sweet and refreshing favor. You can find small bottles at most grocery stores or make your own if you’re feeling ambitious.

Add a little label or tag, and you’ve got a favor that’s perfect for toasting the new arrival.

17. Personalized Fall Mugs

Everyone loves a good mug, especially when it’s personalized. Look for mugs with cute fall designs and add a personal touch like the baby’s name or a special message.

Pair the mug with a little packet of hot cocoa or tea for an extra special touch.

18. Leaf-Shaped Soaps

Soaps in the shape of autumn leaves are another fun and fragrant favor. Look for soaps with fall scents and colors, or make your own with soap-making supplies.

Package them up in little boxes or bags, and you’ve got a favor that’s both pretty and practical.

19. Pumpkin Spice Sugar Scrub

Treat your guests to a little spa experience with pumpkin spice sugar scrub. This homemade scrub is easy to make with sugar, coconut oil, and some fall spices.

Package it in small jars with a cute label, and you’ve got a luxurious favor that’s perfect for pampering.

20. Fall-Scented Wax Melts

Wax melts in scents like cranberry, autumn leaves, or pumpkin pie are a great way to bring the scent of fall into your guests’ homes.

Package a few melts in cute bags or boxes, and you’ve got a favor that’s sure to make everyone feel cozy and happy.

21. Mini Succulents in Pumpkin Pots

Tiny succulents planted in small pumpkin-shaped pots are an adorable and trendy favor. These little plants are easy to care for and make a great addition to any home decor.

Plus, they’re a sweet reminder of your special day that will last long after the shower is over.

22. Pumpkin-Shaped Bath Bombs

Bath bombs shaped like pumpkins with autumn-inspired scents are a fun and luxurious favor. You can make these yourself or buy them ready-made.

Package them in little boxes or bags, and you’ve got a favor that’s perfect for a relaxing soak.

23. Apple Cider Donuts

Individually wrapped apple cider donuts are a delicious treat that your guests will love. You can make these yourself if you’re a baking pro or order them from a local bakery.

Wrap them up in some cute paper or a little box, and you’ve got a favor that’s both tasty and adorable.

24. Maple Syrup Bottles

Small bottles of pure maple syrup are a sweet and seasonal favor. Look for mini bottles at your local grocery store or order them online.

Add a little label or tag, and you’ve got a favor that’s perfect for drizzling on pancakes, waffles, or even ice cream.

25. Acorn Keychains

Cute keychains shaped like acorns are a fun and whimsical favor. They’re a sweet symbol of fall and new beginnings, perfect for celebrating the arrival of a new little one.

Look for these keychains online or at craft stores, and add a little thank-you note to complete the favor.

Share Your Favorite Fall Baby Shower Favors

There you have it, folks! Twenty-five budget-friendly fall baby shower favors that are sure to impress your guests and make your shower a hit. Which is your favorite? How many have you tried? Let me know in the comments.

Hannah R

Hi, my name is Hannah and I'm the founder of Barefoot Budgeting. This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you! Whether it is making a budget, saving money using DIY projects, or even saving by helping you with my favorite recipes I will cover it all! If it helps you save money in your life I want to help!

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