How to Hold an Empowering Vision Board Party

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How to Hold an Empowering Vision Board Party

Why not host a fun vision board workshop? Invite friends or loved ones who are already on the journey to live their best lives to make your vision boards together.

Have you created your inspirational vision board yet?

Perhaps, you feel daunted by the craft skills you need to make it.

A vision board is such a powerful visualization tool that . They’ve been know to help celebrities, Olympic athletes and entrepreneurs to  success. (me too !)

So, What is a Vision Board Party

A vision board party (aka workshop) is a gathering of like-minded friends for the specific purpose of creating a vision board.

It is a powerful tool as those who attend:

  • Keen to transform their lives
  • Want to set achievable goals 
  • Willing to use the vision board as roadmap for a successful life
  • Be supportive and encouraging of others at the party
  • Ready to put their goals on the fast-track

Therefore, the vision board workshop becomes infused with positive energy that motivates and inspires the creative vision boarding process.

all you need to know to have an amazing vision board party

Why Host a Vision Board Party

Hosting a vision board workshop is a great way to help your friends and family with their personal growth.

If you have doubts about the success of this group activity . This quote is a powerful reason to continue:

It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.

       Mahatma Gandhi

It’s also a fun bonding event where you:

  • Have access to more vision boarding resources
  • Share your hopes and dreams
  • Get advice on how to set SMART goals
  • Find design inspiration when making your vision board
  • Get input and feedback 
  • Have lots of laughs and create a wonderful new tradition

host a vision board party

Planning Your Vision Board Gathering

1. Smart Schedule Your Party

Select a date and time that seems best for your friends. A weekend is usually best. Guests are likely to be relaxed and not worried about chores or errands to be completed before the next working day.

2. Location of Gathering

If your guests are 3 – 5 close family and friends, consider hosting it at your home. This will allow for a more focused and intimate setting which in turn will make the process flow better.  3-5 people seems to be the ideal number to gather at a large table with scissors and glue, don’t you think?

You need to have a table that seats your 3-5 guests comfortably. A good idea is to use a simple plastic tablecloth to avoid your good one being stained and spoiled should there be any spills from paint and glue. 

3. Atmosphere

Create the right atmosphere for vision boarding with music and some season scents . Use free photo sites like and  for inspiration. You can replace put inspirational phrases in picture frames for the occasion, then remove later if you’d prefer.

Here are a few search terms which may give you photos to pint out and use:

  • Mood or dream boards
  • Collages
  • Bucket list
  • Travel
  • Live your best life

Consider also sourcing from Pinterest

  • Vision board examples 
  • Inspirational quotes and power words 

4. Invitations

Your vision board workshop invitations can be as simple as a What’s App text or as fancy as a specially designed one.

Be strategic If you hope to use this workshop as a springboard to start a Vision Board Workshop or coaching business.

Details to include:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Place
  • What your guests need to bring, don’t forget to bring their dreams !
  • Purpose of the vision board workshop  (eg; to come together in an encouraging, loving, safe environment where we can support one another in our goals and dreams on this date and always)

Invest time in wording the invitation. You want your guests to feel that this is an opportunity they cannot miss. You really should’t have to sell this idea as it’s all about ‘them’. These vision boards work, for real!

Look at Etsy invitations for inspiration to design your own.

ways to host a vision board party

5. What Supplies Should You Have on Hand 

You need to have a few low cost items like:

  • Glue
  • Old magazines/ cards/ postcards
  • Scissors
  • Motivational quotes printables
  • Colored pens / markers/ pencils
  • Stickers if you find any that seem suitable (not necessary)
  • List of power words

6. Drinks and Snacks

Be mindful of the goal of this get- together. Keep food and drinks simple so your friends aren’t worried about getting salsa or frosting on their vision board. ‘Neater’ foods could be finger foods like small sandwiches/ cookies/ water/ tea/coffee/ wine. A signature cocktail could be super fun too. Make sure they’re nearby so if your guests need some fortification they can help themselves. If no one does, then maybe you’ll just want to give em all a holler that it’s break time when you see people peeking at the wine or yawning and needing a coffee.

7. Agenda

It’s important to get your guests to focus on the aim of the vision board workshop or they’ll leave feeling like what was that all about and disapointed.

One way to do this is to have an agenda printed and handed to each guest or even put in a nice frame and placed on table like a menu.

The procedure should be as follows:

  • Welcome
  • Goal for the vision board workshop
  • introduction; be sure everyone knows one another and ask if they have any goals.
  • Show vision board examples , you can do this on laptop or print pictures to share.
  •  Relate success stories; there are many you can google on and share those stories.

Vision Board Party lights

Helpful Resources for Vision Board Newbies

You may have guests at your vision board workshop who may need a little extra help. 

Be supportive and encouraging. Help them answer some questions to help them get the flow going:

  • Self-improvement
  • Relationships
  • Financial
  • Career
  • Spirituality
  • Health

vision board words


So there you have it. 7 simple steps to hosting a successful vision board workshop to help your loved one’s turn their dreams into reality. 

Hannah R

Hi, my name is Hannah and I'm the founder of Barefoot Budgeting. This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you! Whether it is making a budget, saving money using DIY projects, or even saving by helping you with my favorite recipes I will cover it all! If it helps you save money in your life I want to help!

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