10 Ways To Make Money In Your Spare Time

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There is no sense in wasting the time you have doing meaningless things like surfing the net. If you have spare time, why not make a few extra bucks each week?

Here are 10 ways to make money in your spare time:

10 Ways to Make Money in Your Spare Time

#1 Take Pictures Of Your Receipts

Who knew you could make money just sending in pictures of your receipts. Not only is this a great organizing strategy, but apps like Ibotta pay you for taking pictures of your receipts. So, get organizing and start making money.

#2 Work On Your Health

You may want to use your spare time to work on your health, your figure, or just getting into shape. Reward yourself for taking care of yourself by using apps like Nexercise, Pact, and Gym Pact pays you in cash and gift cards to be healthy.

Here are some more ways to earn while you Walk, run, dance.. check out this link.

#3 Organize Your Closet

A rule of thumb when organizing your closet is to get rid of things you haven’t used or word in the last 6 months. This is a great tip for when you’re going through old toys and games your kids no longer use or have an interest in.

Instead of donating your unused items, make back some extra money off them. From used clothing stores to selling online, you can make some extra money in your spare time.  Try Ebay, Online Yard Sales, Craigslist etc.

#4 Do Some Pet Sitting

Do you know some people with animals? It is hard to go on vacation or leave town for long periods of time when you have animals to take care of. Pet lovers are always looking for caring individuals to pet sit for them.

It’s not as easy to find a kennel for birds, bunnies, hamsters or have someone feed your flock of backyard hens, this is a great way to add some cash in your free time and even build a business.  

Advertise in local town pages on Facebook, yard sale pages, and consider creating your own Facebook page or group.

#5 Become a Mystery Shopper

Business owners want to know how they are doing in individual stores. It’s important to get realistic reviews of customer service, products, and store safety. If you like shopping, become a mystery shopper and make a little extra in your spare time giving your opinion. 

I personally haven’t done this, however we have some in our Facebook Group that have and are there to help you. My Mom also does this regularly at restuarants and stores and although she doesn’t make a ton of money she does get a lot of free food (which is a great way to save on your monthly food budget).

#6 Have a Garage Sale Online

Online garage sale sites are becoming the new trend. Instead of getting out all your stuff and hoping it doesn’t rain, you can sell your stuff online for garage sale prices.

Look up your city along with online garage sale to find groups in your area just google, they’re everywhere and if not, start your own!

#8 Sell Pictures on Foap

Foap is an easy way to sell gorgeous pictures you take. If you took a cool picture of the sunset, a summery beach picture, or a raindrop on a flower, upload those pictures to Foap and make $5 for every picture you sell! 

Did you know you can also sell pictures on Etsy?

#9 Do Chore Threads for Bloggers

Just as businesses pay for marketing of their services, bloggers are willing to pay people to help market their blog. Threads are a way for blogs to see more traffic and increase their revenue.

Do a couple threads a day and get paid to do them.

#10 Write a Review of Products

You may not make actual cash reviewing products, but you can often earn free or inexpensive products. Don’t wait around for a product review to come your way, however. Pitch the company you want something for and offer an in-depth review for a free product.

Once you write the review, you can always sell the product for some cash.

BONUS:  Start a Blog!! 

I’ll help you, check out this post and if you have 5-10hrs (flexible) a week or more to give to blogging then this is for you! With a minimal investment you could be earning some extra cash, a side gig, and even an impressive full-time income. 

I’m on my way to that goal and well, I am more than happy to share all my resources and help you make this happen!

Instead of sitting around wasting time, make some extra money in your spare time with these 10 tips.

What other ways have you found to make money in your spare time?

Hannah R

Hi, my name is Hannah and I'm the founder of Barefoot Budgeting. This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you! Whether it is making a budget, saving money using DIY projects, or even saving by helping you with my favorite recipes I will cover it all! If it helps you save money in your life I want to help!

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